Writing prompt

Writing Prompt Wednesday

Hello, Everyone!

One announcement before we head into our writing prompt. I Will be changing up my posting schedule a bit. I noticed that a lot of people do blog posts on Mondays, and I do not want to get lost in the crowd. So I will be posting book reviews on Tuesdays and writing prompts will still be Wednesday or Thursday. Now on to our writing prompt.

Writing Prompt: Write a myth about what the eclipse means.

Eclipse to Death

The day the glorious light hides is a day that the silly humans find to be an entertaining one. In truth, it is not. I am what the humans call, alien. On my planet we have created peace. No one has to work, and those that want to can study the sky above us.

I, along with thirty others, have been implanted here on Zictar, or as you call it, Earth. After studying the people, lands, and history of Zictar we believe this “eclipse” the humans are so fond of is actually my race trying to tell us that something is wrong. There is something on my planet and that we must be heading back to Laki. My comrades and I are worried that we will not reach home in time to help.

So all of you celebrate all you want, but we will mourn the possible losses we are about to find.


That is all for today.

Be free and keep reading!

Ta, ta.

At any time if you think, “Hey, Astrid, you should do a post on [fill in the blank].” Send me an email to penname.books@gmail.com or comment below.
Are you an author? Do you want me to read your book? Send business inquiries to penname.books@gmail.com. Let me know my blog sent you 🙂


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